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West Bend

Holy Angels November 2023 Student of the Month | By Michelle Spaeth

West Bend, WI – In an effort to recognize academic achievement, personal growth, and dedication to Christian values Holy Angels School in West Bend, WI highlights 3 students for the month of November 2023: Gabe Deppert (6th Grade), Laura Kulig (7th Grade), and Kennedy Deppert (8th Grade).


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6th Grade: Gabe Deppert

Gabe is a good student who takes pride in doing math in his head. He is smart and contributes positively to classroom discussions. He also works well in groups. He is organized, responsible,  and works both independently and efficiently. Gabe is kind and helpful. Outside of school, Gabe likes to fish and play soccer.  His soccer skills are such that he hopes for an athletic scholarship to play at UW-Madison.

7th Grade:  Laura Kulig

Laura is quiet and exudes a calm and competent demeanor. She is respectful and kind. This personality will be a positive in her career goal of nursing. Laura is very serious about her schoolwork. She will persevere until her grades are up to her very high standards. She quietly pushes her friends and classmates to do their best as well. Laura is creative, and particularly enjoys art class.


8th Grade:  Kennedy Deppert

Kennedy is a mature student who takes her academics seriously. She is organized, independent, and consistently turns in quality work. Kennedy gets along with everyone, enjoying hanging out with friends. She helps out by being a patrol with the K4 kids where her quiet humor is appreciated. Kennedy says her favorite subject is science and wants to be a teacher when she grows up.

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