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Kewaskum Dairy Queen offers free space during village-wide sale May 25 | By Kevin Scheunemann

Kewaskum, WI – Village of Kewaskum Rummage Day is May 25, 2024, and Kewaskum’s Dairy Queen, 118 Hwy H, is ready for you.
Kevin Scheunemann, owner of Dairy Queen locations in Kewaskum, West Bend and Jackson, said, “With construction, I realize many will be at a disadvantage with the location of your rummage.”  Scheunemann is offering the Kewaskum DQ location as a place to set up on the day of the sale.



“There is no charge to set your rummage up at DQ, but I must know in advance, by May 20, if you are coming so I can make room for everyone that wants a spot.”

But that’s not all. Those that set up as vendors at the Kewaskum DQ on May 25 will also receive a bonus surprise. “As a DQ rummage vendor, if you purchase a soda in the AM, you get free refills all day,” said Scheunemann.

To reserve your vendor spot at Kewaskum DQ, email Kewaskumdq@gmail.com

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