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Pileated woodpecker spotted in Washington County

June 11, 2018 – Newburg, WI – We’re getting more and more reports of sightings of a pileated woodpecker in the Washington County area.

In April 2017 we posted a story about one that flew into Riveredge Nature Center. The photo was posted on the Riveredge’s Twitter account.


It was in August 2016 when a similar looking big bird was spotted in the lot south of Badger School on Sixth Avenue.  On a side note…


On a side note: The pileated woodpecker is the bird Woody Woodpecker was based on.


The black and white bird with a red head is as big as a cat. According to my neighbor Peachy Keehn, this is a pretty rare sight in town.

Top photo courtesy Riveredge Nature Center.



  1. Hi Judy, last time we communicated was re a cougar on my parcel in Wayne last January/February.
    Writing this time to say Kay & I have had Pileated WPs out here in Wayne for years.
    Even when not seen it’s certainly heard w/ it’s primeval call, echoing through our woods.
    Just a FYI these birds aren’t really all that rare, at least ’round Wayne Township although in town an interesting development since this species’ is especially shy, doesn’t really care for humans per se.
    Now see a Redheaded Woodpecker & you’ve got something.
    RHWPs a rare bird, may even be [still] be on ‘endangered’ list.
    Have observed this bird at my feeders only once in 13 years.

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