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West Bend

REAL ESTATE | Eaton’s Pizza remodel underway at new location on Hwy 33 in West Bend, WI

West Bend, Wi – Corey Faust is quickly moving forward with the remodel of his new Eaton’s Fresh Pizza location on Highway 33 and River Road in West Bend, WI.

Faust opened his first store on Paradise Drive in 2017. He opened his second location in Grafton in 2020 and now Faust has purchased the building, 411 N. River Road, formerly home to Hetzel Law Office.


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“I’ve been looking for a building for the past three years,” said Faust. “I really like the location on the corner because of the high visibility and the fact it’s residential and commercial.”

Click HERE for the sale price

Faust partnered on the location with Peter Kaplar.

“We currently just tore up some of the carpet and we’re hoping to be ready by fall,” said Faust. “My current location lease on Paradise Drive runs through July 2025, so we have some time to get things done.”

Faust said he decided to move forward now, because he had management and staff in place. “I wouldn’t open a store unless I had the right people that could run it,” he said.

“Our customer service is the number one thing for me; I need to make sure my quality is perfect and make sure everything’s right every time.”

Faust employs 30 people, including up to 25 high school students.

Click HERE to learn more about Eaton’s Fresh Pizza in West Bend and Grafton.

Below is a story on Eaton’s Pizza that ran prior to the April 3, 2024 Plan Commission meeting.

West Bend, WI – A full agenda on Wednesday, April 3 as the West Bend Plan Commission reviews several development proposals including a new location for Eaton’s Fresh Pizza.

Eaton eatons

The full agenda is below. Wednesday’s meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall, 1115 S. Main Street.  The meeting is open to the public.


2024-04-03 Plan Commission - Full Agenda-2270

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