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West Bend

Slinger High School students design posters for Saturday benefit. By Katie Meyer


April 6, 2017 – Slinger, WI – Mr. Apel’s Advanced Graphic Design class at Slinger High School was asked to design and print a poster for an upcoming benefit.

Also, students were able to put to use the new vinyl cutter to create a spinner to be used at the event.

SHS woodworking students created the base and metals students will fabricate the metal pointer.

As a student a SHS we all wanted to help out our classmate’s families and this is how we can.

Not only were SHS tech-ed classes able to roll up our sleeves and help, but our SHS Jazz band and a capella Choirs also chipped in and will be performing at the event.

“SHS Bands and Choirs always enjoy the opportunity to use our talents and skills in a way that serves the community.  This is the perfect event for us to come together and make great music for an excellent cause, and we hope you will come out and join us,” said Heather Peters, SHS Choir Director.

Mr. Adam Kieckhafer added, “We are honored to serve two wonderful families who have been instrumental in our band program for many years. We are happy to give back in a very small way.”

                    SHS Seniors Adam Horst, Hannah Moser and Katie Meyer working on the spinner to be used for the benefit.

This has directly affected me as the benefit is for my Aunt Wendy (Roskopf) Hattori and her cousin Tim Roskopf, who are both dealing with major medical issues.

It is a good feeling knowing we were able to help by donating our time and expertise.

Wendy is the loving wife of Ken and mother of Brooke and Brady. Her family is her life!

She has worked as an x-ray tech at various clinics where she has made many friends and most recently worked at Aurora Clinic in West Bend.

In early October, Wendy was diagnosed with a viral infection which moved to her brain causing encephalitis. She was in ICU at St. Luke’s for 3 weeks.

She was then moved to Select Specialty, an acute care facility for another 3 weeks and again moved to inpatient rehab where she was admitted to Sacred Heart Columbia St. Mary’s.

She spent 4 weeks there and has made remarkable progress. She is struggling with a disorder called Aphasia, which affects her speech. Wendy will continue to need long term rehab.

Tim Roskopf has been an integral part of the Village of Slinger for the past 19 years volunteering as a member of the Slinger Fire Department.

If you don’t know Tim, he has put in countless hours with his fire prevention program, teaching children the dangers of fire in our community.

He is also a father of two girls (Abby and Leah) who he loves dearly and are definitely the light in his eyes. Six years ago Tim was diagnosed with an aortic dissection.

Tim underwent a very invasive surgery repairing the aorta followed by a very long recovery time. Two months ago, Tim’s aortic dissection came back and had to be repaired once again.

Tim continues to struggle with infection. Another Surgery is possibly scheduled for August.

The benefit is being held April 8 at the Richfield Sterling Chalet beginning at 6 p.m. Bar-B-Que sandwiches, chips, pickles and cookies will be served at the event for a small donation.

There will be a cash bar, and $1 per drink will be donated to the event. Live music from the band Big Shoes to Phil with guest appearances from the Slinger High School Jazz Band and the Slinger High School Capella Choir will keep you entertained.

Linda O’Rourke, with the help of family and friends, arranged fun events for the evening. These events include cork pull with over 70 bottles of wine/alcohol, four $250 lottery boards, over 45 silent auction items, over 45 themed baskets including featured brands Starbucks, Milwaukee Tool, hair products, and so much more.

Items to watch for on the silent auction include a 8 person, 3 hour pontoon ride including refreshments and appetizers, a signed Robin Yount framed jersey, 4 tickets to the July 30 Brewers v. Cubs game – front row-first base side with gold parking, an autographed framed jersey from Jordy Nelson and so much more.


More details can be found on Facebook under Tim Roskopf & Wendy – Roskopf Hattori Benefit. If you would like to donate or have any questions regarding this amazing cause, please contact Linda O’Rourke at 262-707-6789, or by email at orourkejlaa@yahoo.com.  Please come support two amazing community residents and have some fun doing it!



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