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Judy Phillips Memorial Influencers in Aging Award nominee Cedar Community | By Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County

Washington Co., WI – This May, Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County will announce the winners of the Judy Phillips Memorial Influencer in Aging Award. The award honors Judy Phillips and her legacy of passionate work for senior citizens. It will recognize those in the community whose work demonstrates creative, impactful and strong advocacy for the senior citizens.
Cedar Community and is nominated in the Community Impact category for its Partners in Caring Program and the work done to make a difference in the lives of senior citizens in Washington County.

Cedar Community

“We serve our friends and neighbors who despite making the best plans and doing everything the right way, they happily live long and have great wonderful lives, but they outlive their financial resources,” said Sarah Malchow, Vice President of Development. “So, when they come to that time, Cedar Community is proud by virtue of our partnerships, our friends, and our donors in the community and the Partners in Caring Fund work together to help them stay here and continue to have a secure, anxiety-free existence and live well, live long, and live more here at Cedar community.”


Click HERE to read about nominees Dave and Lisa Morbeck
Cedar Community
Sarah Malchow and Nicole Pretre

Cedar Community Chief Executive Officer Nicole Pretre said it is part of the mission at Cedar Community to ensure that those individuals who need care can receive it whether or not they need to do it through the Medicaid program.

“As an organization we feel it’s so important to our nearly 70-year mission at Cedar community, here and within Washington County in West Bend, to continue to make sure that those who live here are able to stay here with the complete, dignified, compassionate care they need at end of life,” Pretre said.

“So many of our Partners in Caring donors are our own independent residents, our assisted residents, our families, on top of the folks in the greater community that support us. It’s a celebration of everyone’s support that Partners in Caring has been around for more than 40 years.  Within the last two years, we’ve been very blessed by a few very significant estate gifts that we were able to use to seed a true Partners in Caring endowment at Cedar Community. So, we actually have an endowment fund now that we can continue to build on for future generations.”

Click HERE to read about Judy Phillips Award nominee Paula Hader

On a history note, Judy Phillips worked as a member of the Cedar Community team member for many years before she struck out on her own.

“I knew Judy loved and respected everything she did. She was so important to the to the community of older adults here in Washington County. She was a tremendous partner to Cedar Community, and we miss her terribly, but we’re excited to be nominated in her honor,” said Pretre. “And kudos to Interfaith Caregivers for deciding to step out and honor a volunteer and a team member in the community who has been so instrumental in moving sometimes marginalized and an often forgotten population that is core to your mission and core to ours. It is a pleasure to celebrate this great legacy.”

Click HERE to read about Judy Phillips Award nominees
Tammy Dickman and Mona Dickmann from ADRC

The Judy Phillips Memorial Influencers in Aging Award will be May 24, 2022, at the Maurin Center at Lac Lawrann, West Bend, WI.

Awards will be presented for Creative Expression, Community Impact, and Aging Advocacy.


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