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West Bend

West Bend superintendent opening posted on Wisconsin Education Career Access Network


Jan. 8, 2018 – West Bend, WI – The job for a new superintendent in West Bend has been posted at the Wisconsin Education Career Access Network website.

A portion of the description reads: The West Bend School District (WBSD) is seeking an exemplary leader for the role of Superintendent of Schools. 

The WBSD is consistently ranked among the top school districts in Wisconsin demonstrating excellence in Academics, Athletics and the Arts. This year the WBSD received an exceeds expectations rating on the DPI report card. WBSD is passionate about providing the best education possible for students. The District achieves this through a rigorous academic program, a supportive environment and a commitment to Prepare All Students for College Readiness and Career Success.

The job opening was posted Dec. 22, 2017 just two days after the School Board met in closed session and then announced the resignation of superintendent Erik Olson.

Olson was hired in June 2016 and started his position July 1, 2016. Olson replaced Ted Neitzke, who served as the superintendent since 2011. In 2016 the Board approved a two-year contract for Olson with a salary of $155,000. In 2017 that contract was extended another two years.

On Jan. 3, 2018 an email was submitted to School Board President Tiffany Larson with a couple of questions about the superintendent search.

I saw the job posted on the WECAN site. What other resources is the district using to search and post the job? Are you doing a national search or just local?

Will a panel / committee be formed to search for a new super or what is the process going to be?

Is the district going to spend money to hire a consultant to help with the search? If so, how much?

The WECAN post said under Candidate Requirements – “Years of experience 0”  Is that normal or why would the district set the bar at zero years of experience?

The posting also asks for an “exemplary leader” can you explain what that is?

Will there be focus groups and presentations to the community prior to a superintendent being selected?

The name John Engstrom (Friess Lake School District) keeps coming up in the community along with Jim Curler (Slinger School District). Is the board considering either of these people for its next superintendent?

Larson’s response is below.

On Tuesday, Jan. 9, 2018 at 5 p.m. a Board Work Session will be held at the District Office on S. Main Street to discuss the search for a new superintendent. The agenda is below. The meeting is open to the public.


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